Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Wednesday, 27.03.2013

I can't think any better title for this post... so yeah I just make it as a date. Today's date.
My alarm woke me up exactly at 5 am in the morning, but then I snoozed it till when I woke up again at 5.30 am. I'm LATE! Then I went to toilet to take a quick shower. Done. Pakai uniform sekolah, then turun ke bawah arah living room. Sat on sofa, read my novel then tidur lagi balik, cause imma very tired. Biasalah tidur akhir, ngalih lah jadinya.. :p Tebangun pukul 6.25 am. Why? sal ka pirah berteriak memanggil namaku.. --' aiyayoh.. kacau ehh, nyaman sudah tidurku.. 6.30 am jalan ke sekolah! BELAJAR! XD
Arrived at school, singgah rah canteen kjap beli mineral water then tarus ke classroom.

Time masuk ke class, I saw amal (my friend) buat hw POA! Nuraini (my classmate) tolong dgani ia membuat. I just remembered that I haven't finished my hw poa too, so I joined them hehehe

First subject for today is Chemistry. After that IRK then break, P.E, comes MIB and lastly Geography. Dari start break sampai balik langsung inda belajar hohohoh happy nye :B

Morning session habis then petang lagi, extra class for Guling tangan... practice for HM (His Majesty) for this Saturday. Ada something about perumahan bla bla whatever.*black emoji*

Balik dari extra class tarus Hi-tea rah Nadj restaurant. yuhuuuuu. As always I ordered roti kosong. onyom. While waiting for my food, I watched their tv. Then suddenly ada this family baru masuk then duduk di belakang meja kami. I was attracted to this tall guy. Handsome, he has a cute face. I can feel his "hot aura" LOOOOOOL XD I keep my eyes on him. :p kekeke mcm biasa everytime aku pakai baju sekolah, bebau cause dari tadi pakai uniform, beminyak wah muka ani, melakat badan ani.. ada tia hot guy appeared! EISH!  KURANG ASAM! >:( cuba time diri ani fabulous, langsung nada!

Finally home. I don't know what to do, so I opened my laptop. Thinking, should I update my blog or not? So here I am listening to 'Bila Rindu by Ruffedge' while updating my new blog. This is my everyday life if you wanna know... 

Bah, kan mandi.. bebau sudah ni aku ahh.. dari tadi pagi kali ahh seharian di sekolah saja :p so, see ya tmrow peeps xx

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