Friday, 1 November 2013

1st November


Someone woke me up at 1am something, im awake but I fall asleep then I woke up again at 3am. I read geo.. It made me felt so sleepy. So yeah I slept again heheh but I set my alarm at 5.30am

The sounds of my alarm totally woke me up! Tarus wide awake laaaaaah. BELAJAR GEO! SCAAAAAAANING! XD

Then mandi at aound 6.30am i guess? Im all set and Im ready to go to school. While waiting I text him up but no reply from him. I waited. But still no reply from him so nevermind tarus zoom je ke sekolah. I brought my phone along with me. I remembered I did put it inside my pocket but then the moment I arrived at school, I checked my pocket, there's no phone inside? I was wondering where did I put it? Usually every exam I put it inside my friend's beg. So yeah, rupanya tertinggal kat kereta kaka... =='

Geo paper 2. Alhamdulillah it was ok for me but inda cukup masa jelah. sheesh maaaaaan

Habis exam. Dad ambil. Different car. My phone was not with me at that time. Mom wanted to go to freshco supermarket? We went there. Shopping and jalan jalan. I'm happy I can spend my time just with my parents alone. Oh yeah but at the same time I'm worried about him also.

It took us like 3 hours shopping. Now I'M REALLY WORRIED.

Finally imma home. Took my phone from my sister's car. Then straight away text him up. I was happy I can text with him but sekejap saja since he had to go to the mosque. Yeah. Tunggu habis sembahyang lah tu jawapannya.

I dont know why suddenly I felt like really moody. After sembahyang jumaat dah. He text me up. Oh he dont know how much I missed him... :( I'm ok with it after all. Kami textler after that. He said that he cut his hair. hehehehehehe happy is meeeeee xp

He showed it to me his new haircut. I love him <3

Then then ka opeh minta dgani ke saloon. Im going out tapi nada credit..... T.T payah balas textnya. I felt so sad.

Balik ke rumah lagi, I text him back. Hes mad i think? :( I'm sorry

Im getting more sad. Shoudve buy credit earlier.... then when I tried to text him... He was not there. I thought maybe he has work or something else? So I waited. Then time maghrib, I text him up again cause I know he will appear but nada. I text him again. No reply. It broke my heart, Idkw. I just want to cry at that time. How childish right? ahahaha but yeah

Ka pirah bawa jalaaaaaaaan. We went to Time Square. Jalan atu pun ALUM ADA TEXTNYA. OKAY. SABAR. I had fun with my siblings tho but.... T.T

At 8 somthing? He replied my text. He said that ia tertidur.... bla bla bla. I was happy but I feel so sad somehow. I cried. So immature! I dont want to reply his text cause I feel guilty after all. Bla bla bla. Dinner in SCR at Gadong then went to the Mall bought something. He text me up again, now I replied.

Im homey, I was mad. I feel sorry for him. I said I want to go to sleep but I cant sleep after all. I thought that he would say "dont go to sleep first or what" but he didnt say anything. He just say ok. It broke my heart again. I waited for his love but he didnt say. It hurts. OH GOD! HE REALLY DID BROKE MY HEART TODAY! HOW SAD!


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